

Transfer Your Australian Super

If you have worked in Australia anytime since 1992, then you are likely to have an Aussie Super account. You can bring that money to New Zealand and invest it into your KiwiSaver account as part of the Trans-Tasman portability arrangement.

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Government Contribution: Bonus Money

If you want to maximise the KiwiSaver Government Contribution, please remember to check how much you have contributed to date and top up your KiwiSaver account before 30 June 2024 if you need to.

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Demystifying investment: how to make your money work for you

Whether it’s saving for a first home, your retirement or for a rainy day, investing wisely can help get you there - and we’re here to help you unpack it all.

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How to protect yourself and your wealth with insurance in 3 steps

When building up our financial wellbeing and wealth, insurance is super useful. Yes – there’s a cost – but consider the cost of not having insurance when you really need it.

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KiwiSaver for Kids

Enrolling children in KiwiSaver at a young age can help instil good saving habits, expose them to the world of investing and provide them with a head start on their financial journey.

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Give yourself a money makeover: the beauty of budgeting for women

Let’s dive into the wonderful world of budgeting, while the "B" word might sound daunting, fear not! It's a journey worth embarking on - because you’re worth it.

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How to plan for your dream retirement

Retirement: that long-awaited permanent holiday phase of life where you can relax, unwind and fill your years with special memories.

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The Cost of Living in New Zealand: Your Survival Guide

We live in such a beautiful country here in New Zealand, with its stunning landscapes, welcoming culture, and high quality of life, it is a dream destination for many.

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Why our money mindset matters

Money and mindsets – what do they have in common?

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Financial Advice

Want to unlock that treasure chest of your future and take a peek at what’s inside?

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Flexing those finance muscles: a chat around the Table with Sarah

Sarah has pulled up a seat at the Table to help flex her financial muscles and inspire other women to do the same.

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What you need to know about money if you're getting a divorce

Money and divorce: it’s a topic many of us have questions about - but sometimes we’re a bit afraid to ask.

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Get prepared: how to survive a recession

Do you panic a little bit every time you hear the word "recession" in the news - but aren’t quite sure what to do about it?

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How to ask for a pay rise.

Asking for a pay rise can be daunting for many, so you want to give yourself the best possible chance for the conversation to go well – which is why preparation is the key.

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We said we would break down the jargon so here it is. A glossary of financial terms.

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Behind the Table: Meet Shen Chen, Mercer Financial Adviser

Shen Chen, a Financial Adviser in Mercer’s Advice Team, shares some of her insights for a financially-savvy future.

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A Q&A with Leah Keys, Mercer Investment Analyst

Introducing Leah Keys, a Mercer Investment Analyst. Check out our Q&A where Leah shares her journey into investment - and how you can get started, too.

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Why Kiwi women should switch to the Mercer KiwiSaver scheme

At Mercer, improving Kiwi women’s financial wellness and wealth is at the heart of what we do.

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What it means to be an ethical investor

Want to make sure your investments align with your values? Here’s how.

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Meet the wāhine Māori tackling the historically male world of finance

Many women see the world of finance as a scary place...

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Imagine Aotearoa New Zealand filled with wealthy women

How women can make, save and invest more money, now

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How to manage debt

Swiped that credit card a few too many times? Here’s how to work your way towards a debt-free future.

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How to get started with investing

Keen to kick off your investment journey but not sure how? We’ve got you covered.

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How to both be in a relationship and protect yourself financially

Why remaining financially independent in a couple is important

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Five tips to get your finances sorted

The path to financial freedom starts with just a few simple steps.

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First home buyer? Here’s what you need to know

Deposits, mortgage brokers, KiwiSaver withdrawals – we break down the basics of first home buying.

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Compound interest: What is it and how does it work?

Start saving early and reap the financial rewards of compound interest.

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What Kiwi women are saying:

We love the way The Table meets us where we're at. It's been so useful and helped us build confidence with how we manage and plan our money for the future.

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